
My book, FREEZE! The Grassroots Movement to Halt the Arms Race and End The Cold War, was published through Cornell University Press (January 2022). I argue the Freeze campaign played an instrumental role in shaping public opinion and American politics. Though the campaign may have failed in its direct short-term goals, it created the conditions upon which arms control negotiations would play out and paved the way for the eventual end of the Cold War. You can order directly through Cornell UP or Amazon (available in hardcover and Kindle).

My scholarship has been published in peer reviewed journals, such as Peace & Change and the Journal of Illinois History, and I recently contributed an essay to Andy Johns and Mitch Lerner’s edited collection, The Cold War At Home and Abroad. I’ve also been featured in the Washington Post’s Made By History and published an invited guest blog post through Cornell University Press.

The Lost Years: The American Peace Movement from Vietnam to Nuclear Freeze,” Peace & Change, Volume 44, Issue 3 (July 2019), 386-411.

“Subtraction by Addition: The Nixon Administration and the Domestic Politics of Arms Control,” in The Cold War At Home and Abroad. Lexington: University of Kentucky Press, 2018, Andrew L. Johns and Mitchell B. Lerner (eds).